Friday, May 18, 2012

Homemade Almond Butter: Simple and Delicious

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Ok, so I am super excited to write this post. Last year for my bridal shower I received a food processor and I was too afraid to try and use it because I have crazy anxiety and just assume I am going to chop my fingers off or something, but I digress. I had a large mason jar of cinnamon roasted almonds, and I have had them for awhile and it seemed like I just was never making a dent in the jar, so I decided to bust out that food processor and make some almond butter! YUM! I will show you how to make it, and incorporate it in my new favorite breakfast-this one is going to be good. Let's get started!

First things first-in order to make almond butter you need a food processor, otherwise you won't be able to get the correct consistency soooo go buy one haha, or borrow one! Anyhoo-in order to make this butter you will need two things:

2 cups almonds
1 or 2 tsps of vegetable oil

Now, they have to be roasted almonds. So if you have raw almonds on hand put them in a 400 degree oven and roast them until they are just right for you. If you have roasted almonds, you are good to go! I used cinnamon roasted, but I bet the cocoa roasted, or even plain or salted would be just as good. Note: Before you use the food processor, make sure you read the safety instructions to be sure that you are using it correctly. (that's the anxiety talking!) Make sure the blade is on snugly and dump in the almonds, secure the top, and start off on low. Let it puree for about 1-2 minutes, it will look like this:

At this point you will want to add 1 tsp of vegetable oil to start. Put the top back on and blend a little longer, about 1 minute. Check the consistency. It should be smooth and creamy, like this:

If it isn't as creamy as you would like, add the other tsp and blend it until it is perfect! Once it's done store it in a jar, and put it in the fridge, it should last about 1 1/2-2 weeks-if it lasts that long!

Now, in order to make my new favorite breakfast you will need just a few things:

1 cup vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup old fashioned oats (not the quick cooking)
cinnamon and brown sugar
2 tbsp almond butter
1 banana, sliced

If you don't like almond milk-no worries! You can substitute vanilla rice milk, soy milk, or even regular milk if you prefer. Whatever you like is perfect :)

Step 1 is to warm the milk. Put the milk in a small saucepan and turn the heat on high, but keep an eye on it! It will go to rolling boil, to boiling over in seconds. Once it has reached a rolling boil, add the oats and stir. Turn the heat down to medium and cook for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle a little, or a lot of cinnamon and brown sugar on the top and stir. Then, turn it down to a simmer and let it cook until it reaches the consistency you desire. While it's cooking down, slice the bananas into a bowl, and top with the almond butter. Then, pour the oats over the top, and enjoy!

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